Thursday, September 13, 2012

It's the Little Things....

The North American school schedule brings a lot of newness to what may often become routine by the end of a school year. The return to school brings a few new things here in Costa Rica as well. New Bible studies, new friends, new missionary kids and parents, Costa Rica Independence Day with parades, faroles( a type of lantern shown at bottom) and marching bands and practice for weeks beforehand.

My Bible study reading provided some time to sit,
ponder life and the simple things that bring such pleasure to our individual lives. Obviously, these are not one size fits all, so I'll share a few that appeared in my life this week... a small bag of pretzel M and M's(stale, but here on a shelf here in Costa Rica),  2- for- 1 Diet Dr. Pepper cans(yes, they are usually over $1 each), the joyous news that twins born to a client were discharged from the hospital,and I was able to hold the tiniest one, my youngest child now a pre-adolescent experiencing youth group and Girls Bible Study for the first time, having a date with Brian that consisted of a calzone at Papa John's and a pot of tea at McCafe for less than $20 US, being outside the city at Melissa Putney's baptism with our brand new Costa Rica City Team, and the list could go point is that each day has wonderful gifts in it and even Scripture is new every time we read it! Often times we feel inconsequential in God's plan, but He enables us, in remarkable ways.

"Such confidence we have through Christ toward God. Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves but adequacy is from God, who also  made us as servants of a new covenant,  not of the letter, but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." 2 Cor. 3:4-6 (NASB) 

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