Settling back into Latin America has been relatively easy-- crystal clear skies, warm breezes, and Costa Rican neighbors greeting us with huge smiles, running to their gates as we stroll the neighborhood.
Going through items we left behind, packed and carefully stored, with dehumidifier packets and all, has been hard. You see, a leak during rainy season allowed some water to reach our things, which went reference books completely damaged, and my medical equipment partially so...a cost counted, as those books and my non-waterpoof doppler wand need replacement.
The cost of time, thoroughly cleaning loads of laundry, hanging it in the sun, only to find another wash is necessary, leading to the cost of electricity and water....
But the hardest hit to my heart thus far? The process of sorting and discarding handcrafted ornaments lovingly made by my four precious children in young childhood, as these were not plastic or metal, they were paper,felt, fabric or plaster ornaments no amount of water, detergent or sun could heal. Thankfully, only about ten were destined to the bags of trash, many were able to be restored and will still grace our Christmas tree next year.
All of us face costs in following Christ. As I sorted last night, and tears fell down my face, I was tempted to blame this temporary setback on this lifestyle that God has led us to. But then I remembered that those in New Orleans post-Katrina had mountains of ruined things and they were living where they always had.
Using our time, money, talents and whole being in investing in others, rather than the temporary trappings of this world are what bring my family contentment. And living life serving others has brought great joy and peace. Thank you to those who allow us to have one foot in each continent. For those who give sacrificially and who pray for us often. I felt those prayers last night when I so desperately needed them.
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