Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happenings in Haiti...

Although neither Brian nor I are in Haiti at the present time, several Reachglobal (EFCA) mission leaders, our friends, Linda and Mike Gunderson, Reachglobal have just arrived as various missionaries rotate in and out to form initial infrastructure so that short and long term teams are able to minister to the Haitian people for the long haul...

To continue reading about relief efforts until one of us is in Haiti, please read
Mike and Linda Gunderson's blog
and the Haiti Crisis Response blog

We thank those of you who donated to the doppler/women's health needs post, and to those who support us regularly, or dug deep with funds for relief in Haiti. Doors continue to open and the hands and feet of Christ are actively serving in Haiti. Pray for those answering the call and for those living out in the open as the rainy season has begun.

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