Monday, November 24, 2008

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Even though it has rained all night for the last several days and a fine mist (pelo de gato) of drizzle continues, we made the most of yesterday afternoon by walking the dog near a local Christmas tree farm. Last year, the gringos from N.C. did not know that one reserved a Christmas tree well in advance of our Thanksgiving. This year upon seeing car after car with arboles de navidad (Christmas trees) on top of their car roofs, we were prompted to act before all of the best trees were gone and before the only ones remaining were out of our price range. This year we have a much taller tree waiting with our name on it for a smaller price than last year—it is so wonderful to know the culture, rudimentary, though not advanced Spanish and the locals. Please join us in praying for our neighbors who will be invited to our annual Christmas Day open house---that they will come from behind their fortressed walls and razor wire,  experience the love of Christ in simple hospitality and that Christ will begin to remove the walls in their hearts this Christmas season! Happy Thanksgiving!


Unknown said...

That's AWESOME!!!! Not a SINGLE live tree here - not even a "pretend I look like a Christmas tree, but not a real Christmas tree" here. Only fake ones! But you better believe I'll be out buying one this weekend! Have to wait until after Thanksgiving you know! Enjoy your Thanksgiving week! I already have the Turkey, and can't wait for Thursday!

Kathy said...

Cathi --

"Pelo de gato"?? I don't have my Spanish dictionary with me, but is that idiom's literal translation "hair of cat"? (Furballs? Ha!) If so, does drizzle get its name from the fineness of cat hair?

Just wondering...

Happy Thanksgiving from Indiana!

keith said...

Kathy had the same response i did. i also, though, was looking at the pics from '83 thinking niether Brian nor i ever looked that young. (How is it that you look the same, Cathi?)in harmony, keith